Fluffchat & Network Rules

All of our rules are enforced by our moderators. They are expected to communicate with each other to deliberate a correct course of action to take on any issues that may arise in the chat.

Moderation Team

Fluffchat has a moderation team that keeps Fluffchat a nice and fun SFW environment for our growing member base!

You can message any of the moderators with any chat-related questions you may have.

We also have a bot (@MissRose_Bot) that welcomes members, reads the rules to them (click the button in your welcome message to have the bot send you a PM with the rules), and keeps track of moderation actions in the chat.

Use the command /adminlist to view all current moderators.

Bullying & Harassment, Hate Speech, and Flaming

Have respect for everyone!

Bullying, harassment, and fighting with other chat members isn't tolerated. Please remember the human (or animal) when speaking to others! If you are being bullied in chat, or are being made uncomfortable, please reach out to us! We will try to help you in the best way possible.

Bullying & Harassment

Use common sense. Be respectful to others!

Anyone who purposefully humiliates, degrades, disrespects, or jokes about another member multiple times (if they have not consented, and it is not in a light and/or obviously joking manner) will be asked to stop, or face moderator action.

Examples of bullying and harassment include the following:

  • Spreading rumors about other people in the chat

  • Cursing at someone or putting them down

  • Making crude or derogatory jokes about another member

  • Sending consistent unwanted or harassing messages to other chat members via chat or PMs

  • Spreading personal material about someone else into the chat (also commonly referred to as "doxing")

Hate Speech

Any discussion involving race, religion, sexuality, gender identities, etc. that promote disagreement, negativity, or hate will be removed. Any symbolic imagery used in offensive taste will also be removed.

Examples of hate speech include the following:

  • Jokes about races/ethnicities or stereotypes about them
  • Explicitly stating hatred or disgust against a group or individual for any reason
  • Using discriminatory or hate-driven imagery, words, logos, or symbols in conversation
  • Political hate discussion and hostility towards other parties or groups

Having discriminatory language in your username will result in us asking you to change it. Not changing your username will result in disciplinary action.


Flaming, or fighting with other chat members, is simply not allowed. Fighting parties will receive warnings.

Examples of flaming include the following:

  • Back-and-forth bullying, harassment, and hate speech in the chat
  • Arguments that become hostile and don’t allow the chat to flow naturally, usually fueled by anger
  • Lots of cursing back and forth between members in a non-joking manner

Controversial Topics

Controversial topics can be discussed in a civil manner, but please be respectful & considerate of others.

Definition of Controversial Topics

Controversial topics are topics that are pressing and hot-button in our societies. The list of possible controversial topics can be amended by the moderator team at any time.

Examples of controversial topics include the following:

  • Criticism towards religion and politics
  • Evaluation of lifestyles
  • Cultural and social norms
  • Discussion of the state of the chat itself

Examples of Crossing the Line

Discussion of a controversial topic crosses a line when rules are broken and members are in a position where the chat is hostile. Refer to the rules on Bullying & Harassment, Hate Speech, and Flaming.


Using curse words is acceptable as long as it’s used in a colloquial (informal), positive, or neutral manner towards friends that are comfortable with language.

Offensive text such as the following is not allowed:

  • Homophobic slurs
  • Racial slurs of any kind
  • Derogatory slurs directed at any group or individual
  • "You can go f*** yourself"
  • "Stop being a little b****"
  • Any post with excessive amounts of cursing
  • Curse words with explicit sexual meaning (c**t)

Combinations of these words are not allowed. Censorship of curse words (using special characters to hide letters) to avoid moderation will not exempt you from it.

Is the word being used in a hostile way at all? Is it something you’d usually only see in a Quentin Tarantino film? If the answer is yes to either of those questions, you’re probably going too far.

References to Sexual, Illegal, and Violent Activities

Keep talk about overly sexual, illegal, and violent activity to a minimum! Roleplay is allowed, just keep it clean, and don't go overboard!

Sexual References

Fluffchat is an SFW chat, meaning there may be members of the chat who are under the age of 18 at any time.

Sexual imagery, sexual slang, sexual use of emoji, mention of non-con (non consensual sex; specifically, rape or sexual abuse/assault), and jokes regarding sex or non-con is not allowed.

Examples of sexual references include the following:

  • Jokes about non-con or non-con culture

    • Drugging, meaning of consent, etc.
  • Explicit jokes about sexual activity

  • Images depicting suggestive but not necessarily explicit sexual content

  • Explicit descriptions about sex

    • Calling something "kinky" or "hot" is acceptable
  • Use of NSFW stickers

  • Sharing NSFW images, depicted in either art or otherwise

    • If you have questions about specific pieces of questionable art, please forward it to a moderator for approval before posting it
  • Jokes about pedophilia

  • Mentioning sexual fetishes, fetish art, etc. in an explicit manner

Could you talk about this in public without strangers looking at you in disgust? If you can’t, you’re probably going too far. Think about things you would say in front of people you don’t know too well.

Illegal & Violent Activities

Talking about drugs, murder, plans of violence, threatening people, etc. is not acceptable. Non-sober posting ("drunk texting") will be considered spam and will be removed.

Examples of our definition of drugs:

  • Cannabis/marijuana
  • Alcohol
  • LSD
  • Other party drugs
  • Controlled or uncontrolled substances

Examples of illegal and violent content include the following:

  • Discussing highs and dangerous situations on drugs

  • Display of any drug in an image

  • Describing harm to yourself or others

  • Depictions of violence or terror attacks (bombings, etc.) via images, gifs, etc.

  • Display of personal weapons used for harm is prohibited

    • Weapons are allowed to be discussed in historical context, enthusiast context, and military/professional contexts as long as it is not making the majority of the chat uncomfortable
    • Discussion of violence with weapons is NOT allowed under any circumstances, even hunting
  • Mention of gore and the display of it, in imagery or otherwise, is prohibited by all means

Disclaimer: As we have some older furs in the chat, it is acceptable to talk about different types of alcohol, marijuana, and any other legalized substance, so long as that it’s not something that is harmful to the younger audience. Moderators can step in and try to guide these conversations if they feel the need to as a team.

Spam & Advertising

Don’t spam pictures, stickers, or text! Try to follow a 5 post/image/sticker per minute maximum. Advertisements are not allowed without permission.

Definition of Spam

S.P.A.M. - Superfluous, Pointless, Annoying Messages! Please try not to post too many things at once (flooding). Chain stickers are allowed (like really long giraffes, just not multiples.) Non contextual stickers, such as random artist credits or out of place random stickers irrelevant to the conversation are not.

Examples of spam include the following:

  • Overuse of stickers
  • Messages containing the same word spanning multiple lines
  • Incessant posting of the same message
  • Posting in another language for the purpose of rule evasion
  • Advertisements that haven't been approved by a moderator

Voice Messages

Voice messages are allowed to be recorded in Fluffchat in moderation, since many users may not be able to listen to them at any point in time. They cannot be used to circumvent chat rules simply because they are audio instead of text. If voice messages begin to be used as the main communication method in chat instead of plain text, a moderator may guide the conversation back into text in order to be inclusive for all chat members.

Unacceptable uses of voice messages include:

  • Posting multiple voice messages at a time rapidly
  • Multiple repeated voice messages that are useless in nature, such as short clips of a random sound
  • Voice messages that break any chat rules
  • Using voice messages to exclude or avoid another chat member that cannot listen to them

Chat Advertisement Policy

Examples of advertising include:

  • Advertising goods or services

  • Posting links to other chats

  • Posting links to other channels

  • Unsolicited artist pages

    • Posting a link to an artist's page out of the current context
  • Unsolicited social pages

    • Posting a link to a personal or public social page out of the current context
  • Requests for financial assistance

Please message any of the chat moderators (a list can be found at the top of this page) before posting advertisements to Fluffchat. Any advertising that has not been approved by the moderation team will be removed. Some posts may be considered advertisements based on moderator definition, as the list above only outlines the most common and general cases.

Maintaining the Environment

Try and keep the chat upbeat and fun for everyone!

Role of the Chat

Fluffchat should not be used as a place for therapy discussion and nobody should expect their problems to be solved in our chat.

The mood of the chat can also be brought down if someone is taking it over for their own personal emotional benefit. Everyone should have a fair chance to speak without someone's personal conflicts becoming the main point of conversation. Repeated offenses can lead to consequential handling by a moderator.

We are here to listen and you can lean on us, but if your problems become the main topic of the chat it makes it difficult to start new conversations and move on to different topics. Fluffchat is not a support group, and we are not equipped to handle personal issues. We can only respect them.

Here are some possible alternatives:

  • See if anybody would like to reach out to you via PM. If they cannot invest their time, do not hold them accountable for you

  • Reach out to local therapy and support groups that can help you with your issues

If you are having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self harm, please refer to this list of resources.


All of us are susceptible to being cute fuzzies! Roleplay is allowed, but if it becomes sexual (refer to References to Sexual Activities) or spam (refer to the rules on Spam and Advertising) it will be stopped and we will politely ask that you move it to private messaging.

Enforcement and Conflict

If the above rules are not followed, you may be warned by a moderator. Multiple warnings will result in a ban. Please note that extreme offenses may result in instant bans without warnings.

Deleting messages with the intent of evading disciplinary action could ultimately be seen as tampering and result in additional action.


In the event that a moderation action is taken against you, you may appeal it. Appeals may only be discussed in PM with a Fluffchat moderator and must only be sent from parties directly involved in the conflict. Third party appeals will not be heard from or considered.

Conflict Resolution

In the event of a conflict, only parties directly involved in the conflict may resolve it with a Fluffchat moderator and must only do so in PM. Third parties speaking on behalf of the parties or involved will not be heard from or considered.

Last Updated: 4/28/2021, 10:30:12 PM